In recent years, the demand for dow他可n quilts on the 匠計market is increasing, which is not onl紅票y related to the喝來 good thermal performan雜微ce of down quilts, but 雪用also is inseparable from the chara問街cteristics of lightness, air permeab站快ility and low weight. Before choos城行ing a duvet, people hope to有器 know the top ten 他車brands of duvets in adva通黃nce. Let's introduce the follow生見ing content related to快視 the top ten br件理ands of duvets.
In the selection of duvets, it is v店司ery important to identify we兵姐ll-known brands, whi請好ch is what we call the top ten brands 務坐of duvets. Mercury Hom紅民e Textiles is one of the t科坐op ten brands of duvets. Mercury Home 器街Textiles not only has many styles of du服麗vets, but also Quality is also g哥票uaranteed. Generally speaki金他ng, the top ten brands of down quilt日制s have goose down quilts a銀算nd duck down quilts輛能 for consumers to choose f章秒rom. However, there are still 樹年many friends who cannot disting站唱uish between goose down quilts and一河 duck down quil很醫ts. Let's take a look at the di讀照fference between goose down quilt東行s and duck down quil紅工ts:
1. Size of velvet兒筆
An important indicator to measure th快小e quality of down is b照慢ulkiness. As far as mature師業 goose down is compared年又 with duck down,湖拿 goose down has long down silk, l民裡arge tufts, higher bulkiness and hig家大h comfort, so the quality is bette通我r and the price is relati會討vely expensive.
2. The fullness of the 河謝velvet
The growth period of goose to 間現maturity is at least 12離讀0 days, while that of duck is 6呢玩0 days, so the down bud of goose i門那s fuller than that of duck.
3. Bulkiness
The feather branches of goose down 拍畫are evenly distributed with smaller dia玩弟mond knots, and the 要照diamond knots on睡場 duck down are larger and concentrat時物ed at the end of th資日e small feather bra線你nches, so goose down can明煙 produce a larger s件到pace, better bulkiness, 人業and stronger warmth r個姐etention.
4. Resilience
Goose down has better curvature, is 輛事thinner and softer than du司自ck down, has better elastic空一ity and stronge開北r resilience.
5. Smell
Goose is herbivo和影rous, and duck is omniv少些orous, so compared with d車路uck down, goose down has a much sma快北ller odor, and there is basically no和從 odor after treatment.
As one of the top ten brands討又 of duvets, Mercury Home Te少舊xtiles provides consumers with 城讀many duvet products報關, and is highly praised 業嗎by the industry for its high-qua了議lity products and servi森業ces. Among them, the 3D th玩冷ree-dimensional space goos大坐e down quilt can achieve rap店書id heat storage an喝計d avoid the effect of 內睡heat loss caused by the penetration 多東of cold air by adopting a章信 special process, which is 謝鄉very suitable for use in winter裡人.